Thursday, 12 December 2013

Takaful - Legal Perspective Of Insurance In Islamic

Legal Perspective Of Insurance In Islamic

The legal stand of the Islamic community on insurance should be noted before incorporating the product in the risk management plan of a Muslim.
The key question would be whether life insurance is haram or illegal under Islamic law as parched in the country. This is an important factor, as Muslims are not allowed to participate in schemes that are considered haram to the religion.
As a concept, insurance is not considered haram under Islamic law. In fact, Muslim scholars have pointed out element of insurance existed in Muslim society practices even during ancient times.
Life insurance is a good example. The essential of Life insurance are comparable to the system of mutual assistance in relation to the Arab tribal custom of blood money, Muslim jurists recognized that the basics of shared responsibility in the system of ‘aqila’ as practiced between Muslims of Mecca (Muhajirin)and Meding (ansar) laid the foundation of mutual Insurance.
The generally accepted views of the Muslim jurists that conforms to the rule and requirements of the Syariah as it embodies the following three elements;
  1. Al-Gharar –unknown or uncertain factors
  2. Al-Maisir- gambling
  3. Al-Riba-interest
Muslim jurists has developed a system of insurance which fall within the ambit of Islamic setting of insurance on the concept of al-Takaful.
Early History
The establishment of Islamic Insurances is generally considered to be in the early second country of Islamic era when Muslim Arabs began to expand their commercial dealings to India, Malaya and other countries in Asia. (Ref:Malaysian Financial Planning Council)

About the author:Kertar Singh has joint Great Eastern Life Assurance in August 1995 as a part time agent.
Became a full time agent in 2000 after retiring from the army after 22 years.
He deal with all kind of Insurance from Life Insurances to General Insurances and Will Writing.
H.P 013-322 8582
Notes: Reference have been made from MII and Gela

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