Wednesday 4 December 2013


(25)“Major Head Trauma”:
Physical head injury causing permanent functional impairment lasting for a minimum period of three (3) months from the date of the trauma or injury. The resultant permanent functional impairment is to be verified by a Consultant Neurologist and must result in an inability to perform at least three (3) of the Activities of Daily Living.

(26)“Chronic Aplastic Anemia”:
Irreversible persistent bone marrow failure which results in anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring treatment with at least two (2) of the following:
(a) Regular blood product transfusion;
(b) Marrow stimulating agents;
(c) Immunosuppressive agents; or
(d) Bone marrow transplantation.
The diagnosis must be confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy.

(27)“Muscular Dystrophy”:
The diagnosis of muscular dystrophy shall require a confirmation by a Consultant Neurologist of the combination of 3 out of 4 of the following conditions:
(a) Family history of other affected individuals
(b) Clinical presentation including absence of sensory disturbance, normal cerebro-spinal fluid and mild tendon reflex reduction
(c) Characteristic electromyogram
(d) Clinical suspicion confirmed by muscle biopsy
No benefit will be payable under this Covered Event before the Life Assured has reached the age of twelve (12) years next birthday.

(28)“Benign Brain Tumor”:
A life-threatening, non-cancerous tumor in the brain or meninges within the cranium, giving rise to characteristic signs of increased intra-cranial pressure such as papilloedema, mental symptoms, seizures and sensory impairment. The presence of the underlying tumor must be confirmed by imaging studies such as CT Scan or MRI.
The following are excluded:
(a) Cysts
(b) Granulomas
(c) Malformations in or of the arteries or veins of the brain
(d) Haematomas
(e) Tumors in the pituitary gland or spine;
(f) Tumors of the acoustic nerve.

Severe inflammation of brain substance, resulting in permanent neurological deficit lasting for a minimum period of thirty (30) days and certified by a Consultant Neurologist. The permanent neurological deficit must result in an inability to perform at least three (3) of the Activities of Daily Living.
Encephalitis in the presence of HIV infection is specifically excluded.

(30)“Angioplasty And Other Invasive Treatments For Major Coronary Artery Disease”:
The actual undergoing for the first time of Coronary Artery Balloon Angioplasty, artherectomy, laser treatment or the insertion of a stent to re-vascularise a narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary arteries as shown by angiographic evidence.
Intra-arterial investigative procedures are not included. Payment under this clause is limited to ten percent (10%) of the Covered Event coverage under the relevant endorsement or annexure, subject to a maximum of RM 25,000. This benefit is payable once only and shall be deducted from the amount of the relevant endorsement or annexure, thereby reducing the amount of the lump sum payment which may be payable herein.

About the author:Kertar Singh has joint Great Eastern Life Assurance in August 1995 as a part time agent.
Became a full time agent in 2000 after retiring from the army after 22 years.
He deal with all kind of Insurance from Life Insurances to General Insurances and Will Writing.
H.P 013-322 8582
Notes: Reference have been made from MII and Gela

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