Monday, 15 November 2021

 Fire / House owner Insurance

House owner insurance is to cover the insured again any loss or damage to the building, contents due to fire or any others perils taken.

A standard policy cover ( Example)    

1.Fire,lightning,thunderbolt,subterranean, subterranean fire,


3.Aircraft and other serial objects

4.Impact by any road vehicle

5.Busting or overflowing of domestic water tank or pipes.


7.Earthquake,volcanic eruption

8.Flood but excluding damage caused by subsidence and landslip.

9.Theft by forcible and violent breaking.

Optional Benefits

1.Plate and Glass damage

2.Household goods and furnishings

3.Alterations repairs

4.Theft by domestic servant

5. Riot, strike and malicious damage

6 Subsidence and landslip cover


8. Public Liability


Make sure when you are getting a fire insurance never under value your property. You can be penalize if there is a fire claim.